Combining healthcare with health education in the community
NursePrac Australia is a social enterprise dedicated to enhancing children's health outcomes and positively influencing the social factors that affect health for families in Western Australia.
Founded by Stephanie Dowden in 2016, our organisation is guided by a passionate team of nurse practitioners who are experts in children's health and operate within a social justice framework. We provide comprehensive healthcare and education aimed at addressing health disparities and empowering parents to effectively manage their children's health at home.
We collaborate with hospitals, healthcare providers, communities, early learning centres, schools, local governments, non-governmental organisations, and welfare and social support agencies to improve health outcomes and promote well-being.
Our services are available at our Just Kids Health clinic, as well as through pop-up and in-reach clinics hosted by our partner organisations, community events, childcare centres and schools.
A crucial part of our mission is to champion parents who may feel their voices aren't heard, who are unsure about their choices, or who need support in accessing healthcare for their families.
We are passionate advocates for the pivotal role of nurse practitioners in enriching healthcare services. We offer various training and consultancy services to maximise their impact within your organisation.
Our Vision
Improving children's health and reducing inequality
Our Mission
Nurse Practitioners caring for children's health in the community
Our Values
Equity Advocacy Empowerment Collaboration Inclusion
Our Goals
Stronger families - through enhanced parenting skills, expanded health knowledge and growing their
support networks
Healthier children - by ensuring equal and inclusive access to expert children's healthcare within their local communities
Empowered parents -
making informed decisions and managing their family's health
Greater awareness of health and social issues for children, teens, and families - by addressing barriers and unmet needs
Maximising the impact of nurse practitioners - through increased awareness of their role and effective design and delivery of services